"A Chapter on Ears" was originally published in the same 1893 volume of The Strand Magazine as Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes short story "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box". This is a reprint with short biographical notes. Sherlock Holmes is something of an authority on ears and explains to Dr Watson that “In last year’s Anthropological Journal you will find two short monographs from my pen upon the subject.”
Arthur Conan Doyle’s rather gruesome story “The Adventure of the Cardboard Box” has his famous consulting detective trying to discover the identity of a pair of severed ears. “A Chapter on Ears” was published anonymously a little later in The Strand magazine.
The chapter discusses the ear physiognomy of several celebrities of the time. Perhaps this was the work that Holmes was referring to and was written by the great detective himself?
Paperback, 8 inches × 5 inches; 203mm × 127mm; 30 pages
© Solis Press