William Clark Russell was a popular writer of sea yarns in the mid-Victorian period. In this novel, first published as three volumes in 1891, we find Clark Russell returning to a familiar theme of his story’s hero being tested as both a man and a sailor.
Dick Musgrave is tasked by Alexander Fraser, his cousin and close friend, to find a berth on an suitable ship and to accompany Amelia Grant from London to Rio. When Amelia arrives in South America, Alec intends to marry her. The half Spanish, half English Amelia has a profound affect on Dick: “This is the handsomest creature I have ever seen!”.
Passage is secured aboard the Iron Crown but the passengers soon find that Captain Guy Broadwater is cruel and indifferent to his crew as well as being a glutton and a drunkard. The voyage that Dick anticipated as being an easy sail and “a complete and healthy change” starts to go awry from almost the moment that they set sail.
Join Dick and Amelia as they embark on an adventure that has lasting consequences for all those involved in the story.
Paperback, 9.2 inches × 6.1 inches; 234mm × 156mm; 404 pages
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William Clark Russell in 1893.
© Solis Press