This multi-genre anthology is a collection of diverse artistic works ranging from poetry to creative fiction and non-fiction, from drama to photography. The collection is inspired by the multilayered experience of displacement, with a focus on the migration of what Edward Said calls “large aggregates of humanity” of the last several decades.
Most of the contributors to the collection are themselves immigrants or refugees, or have worked with displaced peoples, such as migrants unfairly kept in detention centers or struggling to resettle in their host countries. This offers an added level of authenticity and truthfulness to their work.
The multifaceted artistic exploration of the trauma of migration unfolds with a sense of urgency that engages and awakens readers to the harsh realities faced by millions as they escape war, famine, and gang violence only to encounter new and unexpected difficulties in the countries where they have asked for refuge.
This book could not be more relevant and necessary today, having arisen as a direct and impassioned response to the present realities of the migration of peoples, in the belief that artistic expression in all its forms has the power to transform, heal, raise consciousness, and incite to real action in the world.
234mm × 156mm; 198 pages; color photos
Paperback 978-1-910146-46-0
Publication: 28 September 2020.
Ebooks available
“Voices on the Move is a moving, must-read artistic exploration of migration and the trauma of displacement. Through diverse modes of expression—poetry, fiction, photography, play—the voices in this collection present the multitudinous ways with which we experience uprooting and belonging. The book is a jewel, a chronicle of our times, an intense awareness of humanity’s suffering and its yearning for home.”
Samrat Upadhyay, author of Arresting God in Kathmandu
Domnica Radulescu is a professor of comparative literature at a university in Virginia, and was twice a Fulbright scholar. She is the author of three best-selling and critically acclaimed novels: Train to Trieste (2008), Black Sea Twilight (2010), and Country of Red Azaleas (2016).
Roxana L. Cazan is the author of The Accident of Birth (2017). Her poems have appeared in many magazines and journals. Her translation of Matei Visniec’s “Teeth” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Reunion at UT Dallas.
Foreword by Ruth Behar.
Introduction by Domnica Radulescu and Roxana Cazan.
Part 1 Waterways.
Human Cries Keep Falling Like Summer Rain by Florinda Ruiz.
Upon Realizing There Are Ghosts in the Water by Leila Chatti.
Tristeza/Sadness by Marjorie Agosín.
Bienvenus à la Jungle de Calais/Welcome to the Jungle of Calais by Domnica Radulescu.
Refugee Song by Mihaela Moscaliuc.
Boat by Khaled Al-Maqtari.
The Refugee Considers the Faucet by Philip Metres.
Yemeni Fisherman by Khaled Al-Maqtari.
Part 2 Journeys.
Okay When Are We Going by Leila Chatti.
Where Do I Go? by Eric Garcia.
A Strange(r’s) Dress by Jennifer Schneider.
A Map of Migration Routes by Philip Metres.
Refugee Snow by Matthew Murrey.
Home Is Where They Let You Live by Jasmin Darznik.
Refugee by Kenneth Hada.
Alien Resident by Mihaela Moscaliuc.
Part 3 Estrangement.
In the Promised Land by Mihaela Moscaliuc.
J’y suis J’y reste/Here I Am, Here I Stay by Cristina A. Bejan.
Ban Jesus by Eric Garcia.
Swallows Sing the Night to Sleep at Lansing Station by D.A. Lockhart.
Geography of Peaks, and Dips, and Lights by Lana Spendl.
Mujeres/Women by Marjorie Agosín.
Sanchez across the Street by Bárbara Mujica.
Children by Khaled Al-Maqtari.
Miss Me Forever by Eugene Garcia-Cross.
That’s Not Nostalgia by Olga Livshin.
Part 4 Voices.
Elegy for My Mother’s Employer by Mihaela Moscaliuc.
Confiar/Trust by Marjorie Agosín.
Montage: Iran Present Tense by Elizabeth Eslami.
La Bestia/The Beast by Claudia Bernardi.
The Language of Water by Lee Peterson.
Chalk/La Tiza (A One-act Play) by Catalina Florina Florescu.
When the East and the West Collapse: Poetry and Ruminations on Immigration, Exile, and Refuge by Roxana Cazan.
Biographies of contributors.
Further Resources
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